What we’re all about…
In pursuing the Christian values and the Mission of the Anglican Church, the purposes of Bencourt Care are to pursue the charitable purpose of relieving poverty or distress, including sickness, disability, destitution, suffering, misfortune and helplessness of persons in need, including by:
- assisting those in need and who are unable to provide for themselves with basic needs of food, clothing, temporary crisis accommodation and other welfare assistance;
- alleviating the suffering and distress of marginalised and disadvantaged children, youth and adults, including by providing or assisting their access to welfare and support services such as counselling and mental health assistance;
- supporting community care services that provide essential assistance to communities residing in disadvantaged areas;
- to act as trustee and to perform and discharge the duties and functions incidental thereto where this is incidental or conducive to the attainment of the purposes; and
- to do such other things as are incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the purposes.